Tukwila Community Center: After School Program


Information Technology Design Project (INFO 482)


Meera Santos

Jordan Thies

Derrick Sin

Caleb Scheib


10-Weeks (Jan 2022 – March 2022)


UX/UI Designer + Developer


This project was completed for TINFO 482, a senior level course at the University of Washington – Tacoma, focusing on the culmination of the Information Technology Program, a collaborative capstone project in effort to create a technology application or component in demonstration of implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance of a high-fidelity prototype.


Our focus centered around creating an application that would help the staff of Tukwila Community Center, store the information of grade students (K-5), and aid in transitioning physical information to become digitally stored.


The After School program at Tukwila Community Center currently uses a physical system to store the information of the children who attend the program. This makes it difficult to organize & keep track of information dating back years.

Understanding the Problem

The pandemic has affected how individuals operate on a day-to-day basis, leaving parents to find childcare for their youth. The attendance of children has spiked in the After School Program at the Tukwila Community Center, making it difficult to track student information physically. Our research presents that creating an application that allows TCC to hold all the necessary information of children who attend their program will mitigate organizational issues.

Previous research has shown that storing information digitally can increase better organization skills, as storing information electronically can allow take less physical space.

Question 💭

How can I propose an effective way to store all necessary of students of the After School Program?

The Design Process

I utilized the diamond method to better focus on the needs of users in each phase of the design process, understanding the user requirements more clearly.


Create a mobile application that allows TCC to hold all the necessary information of children who attend their program.

Wireframing Process

I developed initial wireframes for this project, as I needed to establish the potential structure of how the application will function.

Information Architecture (IA)

As the designer and developer of this project, it was critical to understand the functionality of the product. Information Architecture (IA) plays a prominent role in how I can create a feasible and valuable product for users.


Conducting user testing amongst our business client.

User Insight

I gained insight and thoughts from our business client of the Tukwila Community Center, as I conducted final insight and feedback on my product.

“I like the structure of the application.”

“This is exactly what I am looking for!”

“The homepage is very eye-catching.”

Final Designs


This experience as a UX/UI Designer and Front-end Developer during the timeline of this academic experience has made me realize how intriguing it is to create something from the ground up. This experience has also allowed me to deepen my UX design skills, as well as my programming skills. Overall, this experience has in fact, allowed me to gain transferrable skills that it takes to create and develop products for stakeholders, and having the ability to collaborate amongst cross-functional teams.

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